Property Management
If your Real Estate assets lack an impeccable management based on proven expertise
You can hardly have peace of mind with your assets.

The hidden power of iSol Business Management
Turn your real estate Property Management into your most valuable asset
Change your management experience…
We support the following types of owners
Inherited RealEstate Assets in Spain
You &/or your family have inherited an estate of several properties and you want an experienced team to manage it.
Family Office
You require a professional team to manage your family’s estate, which is made up of a large number of assets.
Real Estate Investment funds
You are part of an investment fund or your company is an asset manager, and you have a large amount of leased real estate assets.
If you fall into one of these categories, this information is for you:
In case your real estate assets consist of one or two assets, I recommend you to visit the Rental Management services. If you are part of an asset management company, you can visit Asset Management, or if you belong to the property developer team, you can visit the Build To Rent Management service..
Our management works even if…
If you are thinking about managing it yourself or assembling a team because you like to have it under control
Or if you already have an integrated team that has being operating for years
You start from scratch and need a professional and experienced management team.
If you still want to dedicate your body and soul to your main job and you want your assets to work like clockwork
You are tired of managing your real estate assets by yourself and you want a close and experienced team like iSol.
However, first I must ask you a question:
Do you want to be among the 85% of owners… or among the 15%?
This is not a trick question.
This is serious.
According to Forbes magazine, 85% of large owners who initially consider self-management with their own team fail.
Many people believe that this lack of success is due to the team’s insufficient knowledge, experience and commitment.
Perhaps you probably also believe that management is reduced to rent collection or taking calls from tenants, and that this is enough to get you through the process.
In theory, this can be easily solved…
However, a study published by the Daily Mail UK revealed that more than 90% of owners who start with self-management eventually end up with a professional manager.

You’ve had enough of searching the internet looking for answers to your doubts.
Whenever you’ve had a problem day after day you’ve been searching the internet to find out how to solve it.
Perhaps those hundreds of queries have left you with the feeling that you are still missing something more to have it right, and you know that it is not 100% solved.
You may even have solved it as you read it, only to realise that it was not the most effective solution.
Your management is decentralised
Have you ever stopped to think about how many service providers you should have or already use to manage your assets?
One? Think about it, the property manager, the accountant, the taxman, the gardener, the handyman ….
Managing it like this is inefficient.

What´s the problem?
Properly managed real estate does NOT depend only on you.
A group of experienced professionals cannot be replaced by a small team created specifically for this purpose.
You should have your real estate assets covered when there are absences in the team due to holidays, illness or simply meetings
And of course, you can never be 100% certain that it is well managed and up to date.
And it is unlikely that a single team can solve all cases:

(This graph shows the communications between tenant/iSol/Property from one of our clients with 82 tenants).
Within 12 months more than 6,000 communications/incidents have been generated between iSol and tenants.
YWe have had ONLY reached out with 393 communications to the Landlord
Our comprehensive Property Management programme for real estate assets. We keep communications with the property to a minimum, only for decision-making and reporting of relevant issues.
Interact with your tenants through a professional team
As property managers, we spend most of our time and effort trying to optimise the property management of our clients: the air conditioning has broken down, something is not working, the neighbour upstairs is making too much noise… we often don’t keep track of the time required by a tenant when they keep asking questions or raising issues,
until the snowball is too big

What are the benefits?
Not worrying about the everyday management of your assets does NOT depend on your tenants, but rather on a GOOD MANAGER.
We show you the 5 main benefits of managing your real estate assets in Spain with iSol Business, the 5 most valued points by our clients in the surveys.

ZERO communications with tenants
This is what we call the iSol filter, if you have had previous experience in managing, you will know that tenant´s issues requiere a lot of time from the Landlord with sometimes unimportant questions.

Landlord in Anonymity
Normally our clients dont want to have frictions with their tenants, so we maintain their anonimaty by keeping them free from the relationship with the tenant.

Centralised management
The larger the assets, the more de-centralised the management tends to be, in terms of tax, accounting, property, maintenance….. We centralise everything, and we have been growing along these lines over time.

For important things ONLY
Of all the comments/incidents raised by the tenant, on average we only involve the landlord in 0.6 out of 10, either to make a decision or to inform the Landlord.

Like a Swiss watch
What our clients value the most is that we operate like a Swiss watch, i.e. all transactions are carried out on a regular basis, as we monitor all the real estate assets.

CEO Grupo Asture
“The confidence that Francisco gives the moment you sit down with him is incredible, and 4 years after managing our shopping centre I can attest to that”.

Owner of 2 Shopping Centres
“The truth is that you have a great capacity to solve very complex problems from managing my Property Holding, especial thanks to Francisco”.
What are the duties of a Property Manager?

Not all tenants are a like, right, ¿verdad?
The work is based on the compliance control of contractual conditions, rent collection, control of rental contract expiration, control of supplies and incident management.

Everything must be rented as soon as possible, the rest is history!
The commercial strategy design will be followed up by the internal team, the balance sheet analysis. Visits and agent control.

To the penny, that’s how we do it.
Control of income and expenses, issuance of invoice, management of annual budgets, preparation of lease contracts, management of deposit/guarantees, collateral and renegotiations.

If you do not maintain your property assets up to date, your rents will decrease
Updating and maintenance of property, periodic verification visits, control and review of general condition and facilities.

Keep your business’s external services under control
Management of: cleaning, gardening, security, ancillary services, maintenance management, repairs, insurance…

You don’t know where your tenants will be coming from anymore.
Often one of the most frequently asked questions is whether we take care of everything in a fully integrated manner.
The answer is a STRONG YES
At iSol Business we easily filter out all these issues
iSol Business belongs (since 1972) to that small group of companies in Spain, specialised in asset management as Property Managers.
Let’s take a look at how it can change the way you manage your Properties!

Tenant issues
“Hello, I have no hot water in the bathroom or in the kitchen, I urgently need a solution.”

Revenue sharing between partners
Could you divide the rental income according to the percentage of each of the partners in our co-ownership?

Notification from the Spanish Tax authorities (Hacienda)
Hello, I have been sent a request from the Spanish Tax Authority to justify my income, could you please send me proof of all income and expenses?

Ownership representation
I am moving to Germany, even if I continue to make decisions about my assets from Germany, can you sign on my behalf?

Income tax return
Hello, I have to file my income tax return, could you please send me a summary of the income to declare?

We put it up for sale
My family has decided to put the 3 buildings that you manage for us up for sale, can you take care of it?


Issues solving
Don’t worry, we’ll report it to the insurance company so they can go there and sort it out

Revenues distributed equally according to percentage of shareholding
No problem, we just need to know the % shareholding of each of the partners and each partner’s bank account.

Official replies
Of course, we will prepare it immediately. If you wish, we can also reply online on your behalf .

Signature of documents
For this you have to give us power of attorney, and we will only sign with your prior authorisation. We have many such cases, even if you do not live abroad.

Summary of income and expenses
Yes, during the day we will send you the full breakdown of income and expenditure.

Disinvestment strategy
Tenemos un departamento de inversión, por cortesía y capacidad de respuesta, primero se lo ofrecemos siempre a los clientes que gestionamos y luego trabajamos con la gran mayoría de inversores activos en España
In which locations in Spain do we do Property Management?
Yes, we are located in Madrid, but…
Since 2005 we have launched a project to expand our Property Management services nationwide, which allows us to provide services to all our clients located in any urban centre in the provinces of Spain, focusing as always on the management of traditional long term rentals.
The following locations are where we manage assets:

- Albacete
- Alicante
- Almería
- Ávila
- Badajoz
- Bilbao
- Barcelona
- Burgos
- Cáceres
- Cádiz
- Castellón
- Ciudad Real
- Córdoba
- Cuenca
- Gerona
- Granada
- Guadalajara
- Huelva
- Huesca
- Jaén
- La Coruña
- Las Palmas
- León
- Lérida
- Logroño
- Lugo
- Madrid
- Málaga
- Murcia
- Orense
- Oviedo
- Palencia
- Mallorca
- Pamplona
- Pontevedra
- Salamanca
- San Sebastián
- Santander
- Segovia
- Sevilla
- Soria
- Tenerife
- Tarragona
- Teruel
- Toledo
- Valencia
- Valladolid
- Vitoria
- Zamora
- Zaragoza
And what are the types of properties we handle as property managers?
We not only manage residential (housing) assets, but we also
During these 50 years of existence of iSol Business we have been evolving along with our clients. We started out managing individual flats for private owners, and now we manage all types of traditional rental properties.

Residential buildings
The vast majority of profitable real estate investment is in residential housing assets, where iSol has a significant position in the residential building management market.

Shopping Centres
The management of shopping centres requires a highly experienced and qualified management team, capable of monitoring the entire shopping centre and all leasing contracts.

Office Buildings
The office market has a complexity compared to other assets in terms of management, not only due to tax management, but also due to the management of services to tenants.

Real estate portfolio
Not all property portfolios are made up of the same type of assets; most commonly there is a variety of types of commercial premises, homes and flats, and other real estate assets.

Singular properties
We also apply our experience to other less common typologies such as the management of senior citizen centres, logistics parks, etc., only in relation to asset management, not operation.

Having certain developed skills increases the chance of success
Let’s see what the iSol team can really bring to you, let’s take a look at some of the points we have especially developed..
Make sure you have a Property Manager in Spain who is right for your estate.
We have proven the effectiveness of our management over the years with clients from many sectors and with vast type of real estate assets in Spain.
One of the keys to its success has always been the desire of our clients to have the best team in asset management, and to have the peace of mind that iSol manages it.
Before consulting our Property Management service, check that your Real Estate Property meets a minimum of 3 of these 5 requirements:
If your real state assets are ready to put an experienced management team to work, click the button and complete the form.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ´s) about Property Management
I have inherited a large estate and have never had an asset manager, is the iSol Business Property Management service for me?
Yes, the Property Management service is designed by and for owners with long term rental assets, both for new owners and for owners who want to change managers.
The Property Management service is geared towards large estates, but what is considered a large estate?
We recommend that you contact a professional member of our team, there is no one line that defines it, but there is a difference in the service, from the owner of a flat, to a family estate made up of 2 buildings for example.
My company owns a shopping centre, do you manage it?
Yes, we manage the Shopping Centre comprehensively, either with our own resources or with those of third parties, such as the maintenance of lifts, cleaning, etc. We carry out the selection of staff for Management or Security following the necessary criteria for the property.
Do you carry payrolls for building doormen, for example?
In most cases yes, in some exceptional cases we outsource.
Can you file my family’s partnership tax returns?
Of course, we tend to centralise asset management, accounting, fiscal, administrative and technical management. …. It is true that in certain autonomous tax regions in Spain, we outsource the filing of taxes. What is more important is that the only activity of the company is the rental of the assets.
VAT filing as well?
Is the income received by you or by us as owners?
As you wish, we open a file for each property in order to keep the accounts. If the income goes to your account, we need at least to have access to this account (only in view mode) to keep track of expenses and income.
How do you say Property Management in Spanish?
Si bien es cierto es una palabra de origen inglés, muy asentada en España. En español se entiende como Gestor de Propiedades
What is Property Management?
It is a service aimed at property owners, and is mainly focused on the integrated management of properties, from commercial, economic, technical, etc. management.
How much does a Property Manager charge?
These are usually low budget jobs. They are usually between 0.5% and 4% of rental income.

CEO at iSol Business
“We like to listen to the needs of each family or heritage structure in order to consider it as a unique project and to be able to make a tailor-made suit for its management”.
During my career, I have been involved in and led multiple property management projects. I have witnessed many well-known success stories. There is no need to experiment with management
Your future only depends on you, you are only one step away 😉
Contact us